The AALAC Faculty Workshops—Make a Proposal

The AALAC provides funds to support workshops that enable faculty members from AALAC institutions to gather and work together on a subject of mutual interest. Designed and organized by the faculty, the workshops may focus on topics relating to research, curricula, or pedagogy and, where relevant, may be either disciplinary or interdisciplinary. The workshops may take place during the academic year or summer and may be held on member institution campuses or may extend a stay at professional meetings by a day or two. For the upcoming round, it is anticipated that about ten workshops will be funded. These workshops may take place in the spring semester, summer, or fall semester of 2024.

How to Apply for Workshop Funding

The AALAC deans and provosts encourage faculty to apply for workshop funding. Please read the proposal guidelines and selection criteria carefully.  It may also prove helpful to review past proposals that have been funded.